WinRAR Repair Kit 3.0

WinRAR Repair Kit 3.0

WinRar Repair tool for *.RAR archives data recovery
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3.0 See all
Repair Kit, Inc.

Users facing the problem of a damaged RAR file can simply download WinRar Repair tool and forget about paying a fortune to specialized data recovery services that not only take longer to get the job done, but also get access to files that may be too private to share. Additional features of WinRar Repair Tool include the support of self-extracting (SFX) archives, multi-volume (split) archives, files with broken CRC values, and files larger than 2 GB.

Supporting nearly every conceivable type of RAR archives, the program is just what the doctor ordered for users seeking an answer to the questions How to repair RAR files? immediately after a system crash. WinRar Repair Kit has a compact installation file, requires absolutely no additional components like frameworks or libraries, and takes seconds to get used to. The functionality of the program will be appreciated both by regular users who need to repair a file or two once in a while, as well as professional system administrators and support engineers who need a reliable WinRar Repair tool to assists users with multiple recoveries on a regular basis.

Below is a list of the key features of WinRar Repair Kit:
1. Ultra-fast proprietary recovery engine capable of restoring data from badly corrupted archives
2. A convenient and lightweight wizard-based user interface suitable even for novices asking themselves questions like How to repair WinRAR files?
3. Full support of SFX archives, multi-volume archives and archives over 2 GB in size
4. Possibility to restore files with incorrect CRC values
5. Support of all major versions of Windows, from Windows 98 through Windows 7
6. Compact installation file that takes seconds to download
7. The program requires no additional components to be downloaded and works right out of the box
The free demo version of WinRar Repair Kit can be downloaded from the official website of Repair Kit.


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  • Winrar repair free